Khmer Fonts For Windows 7
Dekasu. netURL. URL Win. XP. Arial, Arial Black, Arial Bold, Arial Bold Italic, Arial Italic, Batang, Batang. Che, Gungsuh, Gungsuh. Che, Comic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS Bold, Courier, Courier New, Courier New Bold, Courier New Bold Italic, Courier New Italic, Estrangelo Edessa, Franklin Gothic Medium, Franklin Gothic Medium Italic, Gautami, Georgia, Georgia Bold, Georgia Bold Italic, Georgia Italic, Gulim, Gulim. Che, Dotum, Dotum. Khmer Fonts For Windows 7' title='Khmer Fonts For Windows 7' />Details of large, multiscript Windows fonts that include Unicode character ranges and that can be used to display Web pages containing many languages, scripts and. Details of Windows fonts that include East Asian Unicode character ranges. Part of Alan Woods Unicode Resources. Che, Impact, Latha, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, Mangal, Microsoft Sans Serif, Ming. Li. U, PMing. Li. U, Modern, MS UI Gothic, MS Sans Serif, MS UI Gothic, MS Serif, MS DOS CP 4. MS DOS CP 9. 49, Mv Boli, Palatino Linotype, Palatino Linotype Bold, Palatino Linotype Bold Italic, Palatino Linotype Italic, Raavi, Roman, Script, Shruti, Sim. Hei, Sim. Sun, NSim. Sun, Small Fonts, Symbol, Tahoma, Tahoma Bold, Times New Roman, Times New Roman Bold, Times New Roman Bold Italic, Times New Roman Italic, Trebuchet MS, Trebuchet MS Bold, Trebuchet MS Bold Italic, Trebuchet MS Italic, Tunga, Verdana, Verdana Bold, Verdana Bold Italic, Verdana Italic, Webdings, Wing. Dings, WSTCzech, WSTEngl, WSTFren, WSTGerm, WSTItal, WSTSpan, WSTSwed, Win. Aharoni, Andalus, Angsana New, Angsana. UPC, Aparajita, Arabic Typesetting, Arial, Batang, Batang. Khmer Fonts For Windows 7' title='Khmer Fonts For Windows 7' />Comprehensive information on available Unicode fonts including samples and test pages. Download free Courier MonoThai font from EagleFonts. Download free TrueType Thai Fonts. Available in TrueType. TTF format for Windows Mac. Preview Courier. Fonts supplied with Windows 7 Note The installation of any particular font may be dependent on the installation options that are selected. Che, Gungsuh, Gungsuh. Che, Browallia New, Browallia. UPC, Calibri, Cambria, Cambria Math, Candara, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Cordia New, Cordia. UPC, Courier New, Courier, Daun. Penh, David, Dok. Champa, Ebrima, Estrangelo Edessa, Euphemia, Franklin Gothic, Gabriola, Gautami, Georgia, Gisha, Dotum, Dotum. Che, Gulim, Gulim. Che, Impact, Iskoola Pota, Kalinga, Kartika, Khmer UI, Kokila, Lao UI, Latha, Leelawadee, Levenim MT, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, Malgun Gothic, Mangal, Meiryo UI, Microsoft Jheng. Hei, Microsoft Sans Serif, Ming. Li. U, Ming. Li. UHKSCS, PMing. Li. U, Ming. Li. UHKSCS Ext. B, Ming. Li. U Ext. B, PMing. Li. U Ext. B, Modern, Mongolian Baiti, Mool. Boran, Miriam, Miriam Fixed, MS UI Gothic, Microsoft Uighur, Microsoft Ya. Hei, Microsoft Yi Baiti, MV Boli, Narkisim, Nyala, Palatino Linotype, Plantagenet Cherokee, Raavi, Rod, Roman, Script, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI, Shonar Bangla, Shruti, Sim. Hei, Simplified Arabic, Sylfaen, Symbol, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuchet MS, Tunga, Utsaah, Vani, Verdana, Terminal, Vijaya, Vrinda, Webdings, Wingding, Microsoft Himalaya, Small Fonts, Fixed. Sys, System, DFKai SB, Sakkai Majalla, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft Phags. Pa, MS Serif, Fang. Song, Kai. Ti, Sim. Sun, NSim. Sun, Sim. Sun Ext. B, MS Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Dillenia. UPC, Eucrosia. UPC, Freesia. UPC, Iris. UPC, Jasmine. UPC, Kodchiang. UPC, Lily. UPC, Win. Aharoni, Aldhabi, Andalus, Angsana New, Angsana. UPC, Aparajita, Arabic Typesetting, Arial, Batang, Batang. Che, Gungsuh, Gungsuh. Che, Browallia New, Browallia. UPC, Calibri, Cambria, Cambria Math, Candara, Comic Sans MS, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Cordia New, Cordia. UPC, Courier New, Courier, Daun. Penh, David, DFKai SB, Dillenia. UPC, Dok. Champa, Dotum, Dotum. Che, Gulim, Gulim. Che, Ebrima, Estrangelo Edessa, Eucrosia. UPC, Euphemia, Fang. Song, Fixed. Sys, Franklin Gothic, Frank. Ruehl, Freesia. UPC, Gabriola, Gadugi, Gautami, Georgia, Gisha, Impact, Iris. UPC, Iskoola Pota, Jasmine. UPC, Kai. Ti, Kalinga, Kartika, Khmer. UI, Kodchiang. UPC, Kokila, Lao UI, Latha, Leelawadee, Levenim MT, Lily. UPC, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, Malgun Gothic, Mangal, Microsoft Himalaya, Microsoft Jheng. Hei, Microsoft Jheng. Hei UI, Microsoft New Tai Lue, Microsoft Phags. Pa, Microsoft Sans Serif, Microsoft Tai Le, Microsoft Uighur, Microsoft Ya. Hei, Microsoft Ya. Hei UI, Microsoft Yi Baiti, Ming. Li. U, Ming. Li. UHKSCS, Ming. Li. UHKSCS Ext. B, Ming. Li. U Ext. B, PMing. Li. U Ext. B, Miriam Fixed, Miriam, Modern, Mongolian Baiti, Mool. Boran, MS Sans Serif, MS Serif, MS UI Gothic, MV Boli, Myanmar Text, Narkisim, Nirmala UI, NSim. Sun, Sim. Sun, Nyala, Palatino Linotype, Plantagenet Cherokee, PMing. Li. U, Raavi, Rod, Roman, Sakkal Majalla, Script, Segoe Print, Segoe Script, Segoe UI, Segoe UI Symbol, Shonar Bangla, Shruti, Sim. Hei, Simplified Arabic, Simplified Arabic Fixed, Sim. Sun Ext. B, Small Fonts, Sylfaen, Symbol, System, Tahoma, Terminal, Times New Roman, Traditional Arabic, Trebuchet MS, Tunga, Urdu Typesetting, Utsaah, Vani, Verdana, Vijaya, Vrinda, Webdings, Wingdings, Mac. OSX. Al Nile, Al Nile Bold, Al Tarikh, Al Bayan Plain, Al Bayan Bold, American Typewriter, American Typewriter Light, American Typewriter Bold, American Typewriter Condensed, American Typewriter Condensed Bold, American Typewriter Condensed Light, Andale Mono, Apple Chancery, Apple Li. Gothic Medium, Apple Li. Sung Light, Apple. Gothic Regular, Apple. Myungjo Regular, Apple SD Gothic. Neo Extra. Bold, Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy, Apple SD Gothic Neo Light, Apple SD Gothic Neo Medium, Apple SD Gothic Neo Semi. Bold, Apple SD Gothic Neo Thin, Apple SD Gothic Neo Ultra. Light, Arial Black, Arial Bold Italic, Arial Bold, Arial Italic, Arial Narrow Bold Italic, Arial Narrow, Arial Narrow Italic, Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Arial Unicode MS, Arial, Arial Hebrew, Arial Hebrew Light, Arial Hebrew Bold, Athelas Regular, Athelas Italic, Athelas Bold Italic, Athelas Bold, Ayuthaya, Baghdad, Bangla MN, Bangla MN Bold, Bangla Sangam MN, Bangla Sangam MN Bold, Baoli SC Regular, Baskerville Bold, Baskerville Bold Italic, Baskerville Italic, Baskerville, Baskerville Semi. Bold, Baskerville Semi. Bold Italic, Beirut, Biau. Kai, Big Caslon Medium, Brush Script MT Italic, Chalkboard, Chalkboard Bold, Chalkboard SE Light, Chalkboard SE Regular, Chalkboard SE Bold, Chalkduster, Charcoal CY, Charter Roman, Charter Italic, Charter Bold Italic, Charter Bold, Charter Black Italic, Charter Black, Cochin, Cochin Bold, Cochin Italic, Cochin Bold Italic, Comic Sans MS Bold, Comic Sans MS, Copperplate, Copperplate Light, Copperplate Bold, Corsiva Hebrew, Corsiva Hebrew Bold, Courier New Bold Italic, Courier New Bold, Courier New Italic, Courier New, Damascus, Damascus Semi Bold, Damascus Medium, Damascus Bold, Deco. Type Naskh, Devanagari Sangam MN, Devanagari Sangam MN Bold, Devanagari MT, Devanagari MT Bold, Didot, Didot Italic, Didot Bold, DIN Alternate Bold, DIN Condensed Bold, Diwan Kufi, Diwan Thuluth, Euphemia UCAS, Euphemia UCAS Bold, Euphemia UCAS Italic, Farah, Farisi, Futura Medium, Futura Medium Italic, Futura Condensed Medium, Futura Condensed Extra. Bold, Geneva CY, Georgia Bold Italic, Georgia Bold, Georgia Italic, Georgia, Gill Sans, Gill Sans Ultra. Free Download Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection Cs3 more. Bold, Gill Sans Semi. Bold Italic, Gill Sans Semi. Bold, Gill Sans Light Italic, Gill Sans Light, Gill Sans Italic, Gill Sans Bold Italic, Gill Sans Bold, Gujarati Sangam MN, Gujarati Sangam MN Bold, Gujarati MT, Gujarati MT Bold, Gung. Seo Regular, Gurmukhi MN, Gurmukhi MN Bold, Gurmukhi Sangam MN, Gurmukhi Sangam MN Bold, Gurmukhi MT, Hannotate SC Regular, Hannotate TC Regular, Hannotate SC Bold, Hannotate TC Bold, Hanzi. Pen SC Regular, Hanzi. Pen TC Regular, Hanzi. Pen SC Bold, Hanzi. Pen TC Bold, Head. Line. A Regular, Hei Regular, Helvetica CY Plain, Helvetica CY Bold, Helvetica CY Oblique, Helvetica CY Bold.